Shine Plus Services helps you to bring back the natural shine to your Marble, Shine Plus has a specially trained and certified Marble Polishing professional team with 14+ years of experience. We restore your Marble to its original shine from every kind of damage including staining, dullness, scratches & marks without using any harmful chemicals.
We have the latest equipment and import Italian material for grinding, polishing, cleaning, and sealing for all kinds of marble polishing.
Our attention to detail is what makes our work stand out from the other’s. We perform maintenance frequently and regularly of floor polishing, cleaning grout, restoration work color sealing, etc. We ensure efficient and skilled work by using only the highest quality products on the market.
Contact Now for Marble Polishing Service in Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad and Multan.
Marble Polishing is a process that is designed to enhance the color of the stone in particular instances where the flooring is yellowed or opaque such as if it is set outdoors and thus subjected to sunlight direct or to the continuous impact of agents in the atmosphere.
Marble polishing is the removal of the worn and surface of the floor that gives an even, smooth, and shining surface. Marble Shining is a different step in marble polishing, which aims to bring back the beauty and luster of the stone. This, as time passes and through continuous treading, can reduce. Both terms are employed in different ways.
Contact Deatils for Marble Polishing Service:
Marble Polishing Service in Karachi: +92-300-0805634
Marble Polishing Service in Lahore: +92-300-0805633
Marble Polishing Service in Islamabad: +92-300-0805635
Marble Polishing Service in Multan: +92-300-0805636
Q? What is marble and natural stone restoration?
A- Marble and stone restoration is the art of restoring your Marble/Granite surfaces to like-new.
Restoration of stone is the restoring of worn stone– marble, travertine, granite, etc. To the state in which it was installed. It may also entail the altering of the stone’s surface to match a desired finish of the installation’s owner or management. In some cases, an owner may desire a polished finish to be changed to a honed finish or vice versa.
Q? How much dust will be created during the Marble Polishing and Cutting service?
A- There is no dust created during the marble polishing and cutting service, because we use diamond abrasives and water for marble polishing and cutting.
Q? Recently a cleaning firm spilled a cleaner that is obviously acid on my marble vanities. They were sealed, but the damage is still very evident in the form of hundreds of small circles. What would you recommend as the way to repair them, the materials to use, etc? Would it be better to replace the vanities?
A- This is something we hear occasional. Marble is sensitive to acid etching and improper cleaners can damage its shining. Impregnating sealers do a great job of protecting your stone from staining agents being absorbed into the stone but they cannot prevent acid etching on the marble surface. The good news is that you do not need to replace your vanity tops. We can rehone and polish the damage marble and restore your marble vanity tops to good as new.
Q? My granite countertops are no longer shiny. How do I get the shine back of granite countertops?
A- Most of the time when a customer asks us why their countertop is not shiny anymore, it turns out that some kind of film is sitting on the countertop surface. This can be a result of sealer that was not properly applied, when one does not use the proper cleanser, or when they clean their granite surface with water and dish soap. (This will eventually lead to soap film build up.) Give us a call. We can provide solutions for your marble/granite countertop.
Q? Why won’t the water spots on my marble clean up?
A- These are likely not water spots on marble surface, but an etch mark in the surface of the marble. This is what happens when an acidic substance comes in contact with any calcium-based stone. To get rid of the etch marks of marble, the stone will need to be polished out. Don’t worry just contact us for removing etch marks of marble.
Q? Is there routine, daily or weekly maintenance I should be performing on my marble floors?
A- The #1 culprit of damage to floors is dirt, (grit, sand & dust). The best treatment for your floor is a dry, untreated microfiber dust mop or vacuum, used every day when possible. For homes, damp mopping is recommended on a weekly basis and whenever there are visible spills. For commercial and high traffic floors, daily damp mopping is recommended. For all natural stone, use only marble safe cleaners. Contact us for recommendations, and if you have not already done so.
Q? What is required to schedule marble polishing service and how soon can I expect service?
A- First, our team will visit for the marble polishing service for measurement and check the condition of marble. Then our team will inform you the cost on spot for marble polishing. Generally, our scheduled service date will be within 1 week due to our busy schedule. Often, however, the greater the need, the sooner we can get you scheduled.
Q? How is Marble restoration different than cleaning and janitorial services?
Marble restoration is a process that can only be done by a professional stone restoration company. A maintenance, janitorial, carpet cleaning company will not have the proper tools or experience to restore marble surface. This is not said to be critical to these types of companies/vendors. The investment of knowledge, equipment and experience needed to understand and work with marble/stone properly is greater than what these average companies’ company can afford to pay for qualified technicians to stay with the company. We have found out that these companies have a very high employee turnover rate so you never know what kind of experience you will actually get.
A qualified marble stone restoration technician will on the other hand, be too busy to do routine maintenance work which pays much less then they can make working with stone. It is like asking a Car mechanic to fix bicycles for the same wages. Looking at it from reverse, would a bicycle shop owner pay to keep a Car mechanic on duty until a customer with a Car came in? Only a Car dealer (or specialist) is going to be able to warrant keeping a technician with the specialized knowledge, tools and equipment on payroll as customers will be more regular and make the investment worthwhile.
Q? What is involved in Marble Polishing?
A- Marble Polishing or natural stone polishing involves the removal of scratches and/or damage from the surface of the stone by means of mechanical abrasion. This is also known as diamond grinding, honing or sanding.
Natural stone reflects light and does not need a topical coating or wax to achieve this desired finish/Shining. It only needs a series of diamond grits used in the proper order by a master technician who is experienced in their use. This followed by a careful marble polishing technique that can only be learned from experience. There are many different types of stone in the world Marble, Granite, Limestone, Sandstone, Travertine, Terrazzo, etc. Each stone acts differently to polishing compounds. A master technician such as those at Classic Marble & Stone Restoration know what polishing techniques work with different stones and what doesn’t. Example, you cannot use the same polish on granite as you can marble and vice versa.
Restoration of a polished or honed finish involves using a series of diamond abrasives up until the desired finish is achieved, and a final polish if that is what is desired.
A flamed finish Granite can be restored using the same technique used in the factory processing of the tile or slab. This is a controlled burning of the stone so that the crystals “pop” creating the unique finish.
As you can see, the restoration of each separate marble stone surface will involve several different methods and techniques.
Q? Is marble stone restoration messy?
A- A restoration professional will also take care to protect the surrounding surfaces from damage. The diamond grinding technique involves some amounts of water and this could be damaging to wood and carpet if measures were not properly taken to ensure the water’s use was kept to a minimum and protection against splatter is used. Shine Plus team use all techniques to save your carpet, wood, wall and other thing from damage.
Q? What is the marble polishing charges?
A- Marble polishing jobs are usually charge by square footage. Square footage pricing is not practical. Each type of stone will present its own unique challenges as will the consumer’s desired result for each surface. Many aspects need to be taken into consideration, such as where in the building the stone to be restored is located, water and electricity supplies available, etc. Regardless of the cost, it is always less than the price of replacement and most times you will have an installation that looks as good as, if not better than new.